Grow Lights for Cannabis - The Best Option for Growing Cannabis

With the legalization of cannabis in Germany, grow lights for cannabis are becoming increasingly popular. But which lights are best for growing cannabis? How much light does a cannabis plant need? These common problems come along with it.

If you’re new to growing cannabis indoors, don’t worry—MedicGrow has been developing cannabis grow lights for over a decade. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best cannabis grow lights for cultivation and how to use them well.

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Why Are Grow Lights for Cannabis Becoming Popular?

One of the reasons why grow lights for cannabis are becoming popular is the increasing legalization of cannabis, both medicinally and recreationally. This has led to a rising demand for high-quality cannabis, driving the popularity of weed grow lights.

These cannabis grow lights enable year-round cultivation, independent of outdoor weather conditions, allowing growers to produce multiple harvests annually. Additionally, the precise control over environmental factors such as light, temperature, and humidity provided by grow light kits results in healthier plants and better yields.

Modern LED grow lights are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and customizable, providing specific light spectrums for different growth stages of cannabis plants. As urban agriculture becomes more popular, weed grow lights offer a solution for cultivating cannabis in limited indoor spaces.

Which Lights are Best for Cannabis Plants?

When it comes to the best cannabis grow lights, there are various options available. LED grow lights with full spectrum are highly recommended because they optimally support both vegetative growth and the flowering phase. They are energy-efficient and generate less heat, making them ideal for indoor growing.

When choosing cannabis grow lights, consider factors such as light spectrum, light intensity, and the size of your growing area. Blue light is crucial for vegetative growth, while red light promotes flowering.

Full-spectrum LED grow lights include both blue and red light, which are essential for plant growth. They are energy-efficient, produce minimal heat, and have a long lifespan. Fortunately, you can purchase high-quality LED grow lights from MedicGrow!

Which Lights are Best for Cannabis Plants

What Light Does a Cannabis Plant Need?

Cannabis plants require different types of light during their various growth stages. In the vegetative phase, blue light is especially important as it promotes leaf growth and overall plant development.

Full-spectrum LED grow lights are particularly effective in the vegetative stage. These light sources provide a spectrum that closely resembles natural sunlight, supporting cannabis during this critical phase.

In the flowering stage, cannabis plants need more red light to stimulate flower development and maximize yields. Medicgrow NEO-780 are preferred here, as they provide high light intensity and 2 switchable light spectrums tailored for both weed flowering and vegetative stages.

The combination of blue and red light, found in full-spectrum LED grow lights, ensures that cannabis plants receive optimal lighting throughout every growth stage. It’s important to adjust light intensity and ensure plants are evenly illuminated but not excessively.

How Much Light Does a Cannabis Plant Need?

Cannabis plants need varying amounts of light during different growth stages. We will primarily use the PPFD metric, as it is closely related to cannabis cultivation.

How much PPFD does cannabis need?

Cannabis has three main growth stages, including the Cannabis Seedling Stage, Cannabis Vegetative Stage, and Cannabis Flowering Stage. It's important to note that the distance between the cannabis grow light and the cannabis plant also affects the PPFD value. Let's take a look at the PPFD requirements for these 3 stages.

Cannabis Seedling Stage

During the seedling phase, cannabis plants primarily need blue light, which can be provided by suitable cannabis grow lights like LED grow lights. The lights for cannabis cultivation should not be too intense (100-300 µmol/m²/s PPFD) to avoid overwhelming the young plants.

Cannabis Vegetative Stage

In the vegetative phase, when cannabis plants are growing vigorously, a light intensity of about 200 to 400 µmol/m²/s PPFD is recommended. This light intensity promotes strong leaf and stem growth, which forms the foundation for healthy cannabis plants.

Cannabis Flowering Stage

In the flowering phase, when the plants are developing flowers, the light intensity should be increased to about 400 to 600 µmol/m²/s. This higher light level supports flower formation and contributes to higher yields. Cannabis grow lights, like LED grow lights for cannabis plants, are particularly effective here, as they provide the necessary spectrum and intensity.

How Long Should Grow Lights Be On?

In addition to light intensity, the duration of cannabis grow lights is also crucial. During the vegetative phase, cannabis plants should receive about 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness daily. In the flowering phase, the light cycle is adjusted to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to promote flowering.

You might consider using the Medicgrow Spectrum-Y, which features a built-in light modulation controller that adjusts not only light intensity but also the duration of light for optimal cannabis growth conditions.

This cannabis grow light is ideal for all stages of weed cultivation and allows for precise control of lighting for cannabis plants. Whether you opt for a cannabis grow light or other LED plant grow lights, the Spectrum-Y offers a perfect solution for cannabis lighting needs.

Cannabis Lighting Duration

What is the Optimal Distance for Cannabis Grow Lights?

The ideal distance between cannabis grow lights and cannabis plants varies depending on the type of lights, weed growth stage, and Photosynthetic photon flux (PPF). In the cannabis seedling stage, CFL or LED lights should be positioned 10-15 cm away, while HID lights (MH/HPS) should be 50-80 cm away.

In the cannabis vegetative stage, a distance of 30-45 cm is recommended for CFL or LED lights and 40-60 cm for HID lights. During the cannabis flowering stage, the distance should be 30-45 cm for CFL or LED lights and 30-50 cm for HID lights.

Modern LED grow lights produce less heat and can therefore be positioned closer to the plants. Positioning cannabis grow lights too close or too far can reduce cannabis yields and even affect the quality of the cannabis.

Too close placement can cause heat stress and burning, while too far a distance can lead to stretched growth and reduced light yield.

What Are the Best Cannabis Grow Lights?

The best cannabis grow lights are lights that meet the specific requirements of cannabis in each growth stage, including Photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) and light spectrum. The MedicGrow Flex-800 is an outstanding cannabis grow light that isn't expensive.

This cannabis grow light is foldable, making it extremely flexible and easy to set up. With a full light spectrum, it is ideal for all weed growth stages, from cannabis seedling light to flowering.

The Medicgrow Flex-800 is not only a high-quality cannabis grow light but also an energy-efficient choice. Its powerful cannabis LED lighting ensures optimal growth and higher yields. This cannabis grow light is the perfect solution for indoor cannabis lighting needs.


Now we've learned the best grow lights for cannabis 2024. Key parameters to consider when selecting LED grow lights include PPF and PPFD. Additionally, a full-spectrum LED grow light, which includes blue and red light, supports robust growth and flowering. I hope you can get the most out of growing lights and cannabis after reading our comprehensive guide.

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